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Second lockdown: Full list of essential shops allowed to stay open from Thursday


Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a second national lockdown for England. It means all 'non-essential- shops will be forced to close again from Thursday, November 5th.

Second lockdown: Full list of essential shops allowed to stay open from Thursday
England will enter a second national lockdown in the coming days, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced.

England will enter a second national lockdown in the coming days, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced. The decision came hours after the UK passed the grim milestone of one million coronavirus cases.

Hundreds of thousands of businesses will be forced to close from Thursday under new measures to prevent a "medical and moral disaster" for the NHS amid a surge in coronavirus cases in England.

Pubs, restaurants, gyms and non-essential shops will close for at least four weeks, Boris Johnson announced on Saturday. However, education will continue as normal, including students attending universities across England. Banks and post offices will stay open as they provide a vital service to the community.

These are the latest lockdown rules:

  • Pubs and restaurants will close (unless they are serving takeaways/deliveries)
  • Nurseries and schools will remain open
  • Non-essential international travel will be banned - except for work
  • Overnight stays and UK staycations banned
  • All non-essential retail will close, but supermarkets will stay open
  • There will be a nationwide ban on people mixing indoors - except for childcare and those in social bubbles
  • No limit on exercise, however gyms will be ordered to close
  • Parliament and courts will stay open
  • Building projects will continue where possible
  • People will be asked to work from home where possible
  • Meeting in private gardens will be banned
  • Anyone caught breaking the rules will be liable for a £30 fine, rising to up to £1,000 for repeat offences
  • Click-and-collect shopping will remain open
  • Clinically vulnerable people are asked to be "especially careful" but people are not being asked to resume shielding.
Zobacz także: Lockdown nie rozwiąże problemu. Ekspert ma inny pomysł
Autor: ESO
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